At the UvA Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) researchers from all academic fields collaborate on complex scientific and societal challenges. They develop and apply novel integrative methodologies to bridge disciplines, scales and paradigms (e.g. systems thinking and complexity science methods). In IAS Review we highlight a selection of papers recently published by (mainly) members of our community. Each paper includes a short reflection by the author on the relevance of the paper in the context of IAS. The more technical papers also include additional reading suggestions to make the content accessible to researchers from other fields.
Note that IAS Review is an overlay journal. The contents consist of (links to) papers that are already published elsewhere, in a journal – either subscription or open access – or on a preprint server. IAS Review does not (re)publish the nominated content. It makes papers available to a wider audience in various ways, respecting the copyright owners:
No copyright is transferred nor any publishing activities are licensed by the author(s) to IAS Review.
Authors are invited to nominate (their) papers for inclusion in IAS Review.