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Measurement is a fundamental feature of science and a practice in which the creativity of scientists is particularly visible. At the same time, the way scientists measure is often not apparent to researchers outside of a discipline or the outside world, because usually only the results of experiments are communicated. Today it is even more relevant to show how scientific measurement is achieved, since measurement has become a fundamental activity for society as a whole–think of measuring complex concepts such as health or safety–especially in the context of big data.

The aim of this IAS Theme is to share and discuss current approaches to measurement from different scientific disciplines and thereby increase the visibility of foundational theoretical and methodological assumptions of scientific practices. Awareness of similarities and differences in these principles is a crucial first step towards interdisciplinary integration and exchange. Under this Measurement Theme, we will organize events to facilitate interaction and collaboration between researchers in the IAS and across the UvA.

Research Lead

Dr. J.C. (Jolien) Francken

Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Mind and Neuroscience