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Prof. dr. A.P. (Annemarie) van Wezel

Professor of Environmental Ecology
Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C4.218
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Curriculum Vitae

    Prof. Dr Annemarie van Wezel (1968, MSc Biology UU, PhD environmental chemistry and toxicology UU) is an experienced environmental scientist in water quality, risk assessment, environmental toxicology and chemistry, and environmental policy. She was granted many projects in the field of chemicals of emerging concern and water quality, current examples are the European projects ITN ECORISK2050, ITN PERFORCE3, and Dutch NWO funded projects EMERCHE, RUST, PsychoPharmac’eau, AQUACONNECT and NWO Large Scientific Infrastructure ARISE. She is interested in the science-to-policy interface, in scientific outreach and has ample experience in media appearances. She likes to combine organizational and content roles, and is interested in seeing her science applied within society. She is a member of the Dutch Health Council and the Dutch Board on authorization of plant protection products and biocides CTGB. She holds the chair Environmental Ecology and is Scientific Director of IBED (Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics) at the University of Amsterdam.

  • Projects


    • NWO PsychoPharmac'eau
    • NWO Rubicon Iris Pit ‘Synthetic chemicals as a cause of biodiversity loss’
    • NWO-NWA TOSS: Putting into Practice Integrated TOols to Select and Produce Safe and Sustainable alternatives for problematic Persistent and Mobile Toxic Substances
    • NWO-NWA Blue Route; Towards clean and sufficient water for anthropogenic use and ecology
    • NWO-NWA BenignSynthesis
    • EU Biodiversa DESTRESS
    • NWO-ZONMW Momentum
    • National Growth Fund ‘Future-proof living environment’
    • EU Horizon  PALUS DEMOS 

    Recently finished

  • Publications


    • Davey, C. J. E., Hartelust, A. K., Helmus, R., Praetorius, A., van Wezel, A. P., & ter Laak, T. L. (2025). Presence, removal, and risks of psychopharmaceuticals in wastewater streams. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1-11. Article 00.
    • Helmus, R., Bagdonaite, I., de Voogt, P., van Bommel, M. R., Schymanski, E. L., van Wezel, A. P., & Ter Laak, T. L. (2025). Comprehensive Mass Spectrometry Workflows to Systematically Elucidate Transformation Processes of Organic Micropollutants: A Case Study on the Photodegradation of Four Pharmaceuticals. Environmental Science and Technology. Advance online publication.
    • Ore, A., Helmus, R., Narain-Ford, D. M., Bartholomeus, R. P., Sutton, N. B., & van Wezel, A. (in press). Presence of Micropollutants and Transformation Products During Subsurface Irrigation with Treated Wastewater Assessed by Non-Target Screening Analysis. ACS ES and T Water.
    • Specker, J. C., Praetorius, A., de Baat, M. L., Sutton, N. B., & van Wezel, A. P. (2025). Risk characterisation of chemicals of emerging concern in real-life water reuse applications. Environment International, 195, Article 109226.




    • Campos-Mañas, M., Fabregat-Safont, D., Hernández, F., de Rijke, E., de Voogt, P., van Wezel, A., & Bijlsma, L. (2022). Analytical research of pesticide biomarkers in wastewater with application to study spatial differences in human exposure. Chemosphere, 307(1), Article 135684. [details]
    • Davey, C. J. E., Kraak, M. H. S., Praetorius, A., ter Laak, T. L., & van Wezel, A. P. (2022). Occurrence, hazard, and risk of psychopharmaceuticals and illicit drugs in European surface waters. Water Research, 222, Article 118878. [details]
    • Helmus, R., van de Velde, B., Brunner, A. M., ter Laak, T. L., van Wezel, A. P., & Schymanski, E. L. (2022). patRoon 2.0: Improved non-target analysis workflows including automated transformation product screening. The Journal of Open Source Software, 7(71), Article 4029. [details]
    • Hofman-Caris, C. H. M., Bäuerlein, P. S., Siegers, W. G., Mintenig, S. M., Messina, R., Dekker, S. C., Bertelkamp, C., Cornelissen, E. R., & van Wezel, A. P. (2022). Removal of nanoparticles (both inorganic nanoparticles and nanoplastics) in drinking water treatment - coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation, and sand/granular activated carbon filtration. Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 2022(8), 1675-1686 . [details]
    • Houthuijs, D., Breugelmans, O. R. P., Baken, K. A., Sjerps, R. M. A., Schipper, M., van der Aa, M., & van Wezel, A. P. (2022). Assessment of drinking water safety in the Netherlands using nationwide exposure and mortality data. Environment International, 166, Article 107356. [details]
    • Mohammed Taha, H., O'Brien, J., Samanipour, S., van Wezel, A. P., & The NORMAN Association (2022). The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry. Environmental Sciences Europe, 34, Article 104. [details]
    • Nagesh, P., de Boer, H. J., van Wezel, A. P., Dekker, S. C., & van Vuuren, D. P. (2022). Development of chemical emission scenarios using the Shared Socio-economic Pathways. Science of the Total Environment, 836, Article 155530. [details]
    • Narain-Ford, D. M., van Wezel, A. P., Helmus, R., Dekker, S. C., & Bartholomeus, R. P. (2022). Soil self-cleaning capacity: Removal of organic compounds during sub-surface irrigation with sewage effluent. Water Research, 226, Article 119303. [details]
    • Pistocchi, A., Alygizakis, N. A., Brack, W., Boxall, A., Cousins, I. T., Drewes, J. E., Finckh, S., Gallé, T., Launay, M. A., McLachlan, M. S., Petrovic, M., Schulze, T., Slobodnik, J., Ternes, T., Van Wezel, A., Verlicchi, P., & Whalley, C. (2022). European scale assessment of the potential of ozonation and activated carbon treatment to reduce micropollutant emissions with wastewater. Science of the Total Environment, 848, Article 157124. [details]
    • Polhill, L., de Bruijn, R., Amaral-Zettler, L., Praetorius, A., & van Wezel, A. (2022). Daphnia magna's Favorite Snack: Biofouled Plastics. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 41(8), 1977-1981. [details]
    • Welch, S. A., Lane, T., Desrousseaux, A. O. S., van Dijk, J., Mangold-Döring, A., Gajraj, R., Hader, J. D., Hermann, M., Parvathi Ayillyath Kutteyeri, A., Mentzel, S., Nagesh, P., Polazzo, F., Roth, S. K., Boxall, A. B. A., Chefetz, B., Dekker, S. C., Eitzinger, J., Grung, M., MacLeod, M., ... van den Brink, P. (2022). ECORISK2050: An Innovative Training Network for predicting the effects of global change on the emission, fate, effects, and risks of chemicals in aquatic ecosystems. Open Research Europe, 1, Article 154.
    • de Bruin, C. R., de Rijke, E., van Wezel, A. P., & Astefanei, A. (2022). Methodologies to characterize, identify and quantify nano- and sub-micron sized plastics in relevant media for human exposure: a critical review. Environmental Science: Advances, 1(3), 238-258.
    • van Dijk, J., Flerlage, H., Beijer, S., Slootweg, J. C., & van Wezel, A. P. (2022). Safe and sustainable by design: A computer-based approach to redesign chemicals for reduced environmental hazards. Chemosphere, 296, Article 134050. [details]





    • Baken, K. A., Sjerps, R. M. A., Schriks, M., & van Wezel, A. P. (2018). Toxicological risk assessment and prioritization of drinking water relevant contaminants of emerging concern. Environment International, 118, 293-303.
    • Butkovskyi, A., Faber, A-H., Wang, Y., Grolle, K., Hofman-Caris, R., Bruning, H., Van Wezel, A. P., & Rijnaarts, H. H. M. (2018). Removal of organic compounds from shale gas flowback water. Water Research, 138, 47-55.
    • Kooi, M., Besseling, E., Kroeze, C., Van Wezel, A. P., & Koelmans, A. A. (2018). Modeling the fate and transport of plastic debris in freshwaters: Review and Guidance. In Freshwater Microplastics: Emerging Environmental Contaminants? (pp. 125-152). (Handbook of Environmental Chemistry; Vol. 58). Springer.
    • Louisse, J., Dingemans, M. M. L., Baken, K. A., van Wezel, A. P., & Schriks, M. (2018). Exploration of ToxCast/Tox21 bioassays as candidate bioanalytical tools for measuring groups of chemicals in water. Chemosphere, 209, 373-380.
    • Mintenig, S. M., Bäuerlein, P. S., Koelmans, A. A., Dekker, S. C., & van Wezel, A. P. (2018). Closing the gap between small and smaller: towards a framework to analyse nano- and microplastics in aqueous environmental samples. Environmental Science: Nano, 5(7), 1640-1649.
    • Pit, I. R., van Egmond, E. M., Dekker, S. C., Griffioen, J., Wassen, M. J., & van Wezel, A. P. (2018). Ecotoxicological risk of trace element mobility in coastal semi-artificial depositional areas near the mouth of the River Rhine, the Netherlands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37(11), 2933-2946.
    • van Wezel, A. P., van Lente, H., van de Sandt, J. J., Bouwmeester, H., Vandeberg, R. L. J., & Sips, A. J. (2018). Risk analysis and technology assessment in support of technology development: Putting responsible innovation in practice in a case study for nanotechnology. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 14(1), 9-16.
    • van Wezel, A. P., van den Hurk, F., Sjerps, R. M. A., Meijers, E. M., Roex, E. W. M., & ter Laak, T. L. (2018). Impact of industrial waste water treatment plants on Dutch surface waters and drinking water sources. Science of the Total Environment, 640-641, 1489-1499.


    • Brack, W., Dulio, V., Ågerstrand, M., Allan, I., Altenburger, R., Brinkmann, M., Bunke, D., Burgess, R. M., Cousins, I., Escher, B. I., Hernández, F. J., Hewitt, L. M., Hilscherová, K., Hollender, J., Hollert, H., Kase, R., Klauer, B., Lindim, C., Herráez, D. L., ... Vrana, B. (2017). Towards the review of the European Union Water Framework management of chemical contamination in European surface water resources. Science of the Total Environment, 576, 720-737.
    • Butkovskyi, A., Bruning, H., Kools, S. A. E., Rijnaarts, H. H. M., & van Wezel, A. P. (2017). Organic Pollutants in Shale Gas Flowback and Produced Waters: Identification, Potential Ecological Impact, and Implications for Treatment Strategies. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(9), 4740-4754.
    • Bäuerlein, P. S., Emke, E., Tromp, P., Hofman, J. A. M. H., Carboni, A., Schooneman, F., de Voogt, P., & van Wezel, A. P. (2017). Is there evidence for man-made nanoparticles in the Dutch environment? Science of the Total Environment, 576, 273-283. [details]
    • Fischer, A., Ter Laak, T., Bronders, J., Desmet, N., Christoffels, E., van Wezel, A., & van der Hoek, J. P. (2017). Decision support for water quality management of contaminants of emerging concern. Journal of Environmental Management, 193, 360-372.
    • Koelmans, A. A., Besseling, E., Foekema, E., Kooi, M., Mintenig, S., Ossendorp, B. C., Redondo-Hasselerharm, P. E., Verschoor, A., Van Wezel, A. P., & Scheffer, M. (2017). Risks of Plastic Debris: Unravelling Fact, Opinion, Perception, and Belief. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(20), 11513-11519.
    • Munthe, J., Brorström-Lundén, E., Rahmberg, M., Posthuma, L., Altenburger, R., Brack, W., Bunke, D., Engelen, G., Gawlik, B. M., van Gils, J., Herráez, D. L., Rydberg, T., Slobodnik, J., & van Wezel, A. (2017). An expanded conceptual framework for solution-focused management of chemical pollution in European waters. Environmental Sciences Europe, 29(1).
    • Van Wezel, A. P., Ter Laak, T. L., Fischer, A., Bäuerlein, P. S., Munthe, J., & Posthuma, L. (2017). Mitigation options for chemicals of emerging concern in surface waters operationalising solutions-focused risk assessment. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 3(3), 403-414.


    • Sjerps, R. M. A., Vughs, D., van Leerdam, J. A., ter Laak, T. L., & van Wezel, A. P. (2016). Data-driven prioritization of chemicals for various water types using suspect screening LC-HRMS. Water Research, 93, 254-264.
    • van Wezel, A., Caris, I., & Kools, S. (2016). Release of primary microplastics from consumer products to wastewater in The Netherlands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 35(7), 1627-1631.


    • Brack, W., Altenburger, R., Schüürmann, G., Krauss, M., López Herráez, D., van Gils, J., Slobodnik, J., Munthe, J., Gawlik, B. M., van Wezel, A., Schriks, M., Hollender, J., Tollefsen, K. E., Mekenyan, O., Dimitrov, S., Bunke, D., Cousins, I., Posthuma, L., van den Brink, P. J., ... de Aragão Umbuzeiro, G. (2015). The SOLUTIONS project. Science of the Total Environment, 503-504, 22-31.
    • Coppens, L. J. C., van Gils, J. A. G., Ter Laak, T. L., Raterman, B. W., & van Wezel, A. P. (2015). Towards spatially smart abatement of human pharmaceuticals in surface waters. Water Research, 81, 356-365.
    • Kolkman, A., Martijn, B. J., Vughs, D., Baken, K. A., & van Wezel, A. P. (2015). Tracing Nitrogenous Disinfection Byproducts after Medium Pressure UV Water Treatment by Stable Isotope Labeling and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science and Technology, 49, 4458-4465.


    • Kettler, K., Veltman, K., van de Meent, D., van Wezel, A., & Hendriks, A. J. (2014). Cellular uptake of nanoparticles as determined by particle properties, experimental conditions, and cell type. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33(3), 481-492.


    • Brand, W., de Jongh, C. M., Linden, S. C., Mennes, W., Puijker, L. M., van Leeuwen, C. J., van Wezel, A., Schriks, M., & Heringa, M. B. (2013). Trigger values for investigation of hormonal activity in drinking water and its sources using CALUX bioassays. Environment International, 55(May 2013), 109-118.
    • Kolkman, A., Emke, E., Bäuerlein, P. S., Carboni, A., Tran, D. T., ter Laak, T. L., van Wezel, A. P., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Analysis of (functionalized) fullerenes in water samples by liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 85(12), 5867-5874. [details]
    • Punt, A., Brand, W., Murk, A. J., van Wezel, A., Schriks, M., & Heringa, M. B. (2013). Effect of combining in vitro estrogenicity data with kinetic characteristics of estrogenic compounds on the in vivo predictive value. Toxicology in vitro, 27(1), 44-51.
    • Van De Vossenberg, J., Tervahauta, H., Maquelin, K., Blokker-Koopmans, C. H. W., Uytewaal-Aarts, M., Van Der Kooij, D., Van Wezel, A. P., & Van Der Gaag, B. (2013). Identification of bacteria in drinking water with Raman spectroscopy. Analytical Methods, 5(11), 2679-2687.


    • ter Laak, T. L., Puijker, L. M., van Leerdam, J. A., Raat, K. J., Kolkman, A., de Voogt, P., & van Wezel, A. P. (2012). Broad target chemical screening approach used as tool for rapid assessment of groundwater quality. Science of the Total Environment, 427/428, 308-313. [details]
    • van Leeuwen, C. J., Frijns, J., van Wezel, A., & van de Ven, F. H. M. (2012). City Blueprints: 24 Indicators to Assess the Sustainability of the Urban Water Cycle. Water Resources Management, 26(8), 2177-2197.


    • McCarty, L. S., Landrum, P. F., Luoma, S. N., Meador, J. P., Merten, A. A., Shephard, B. K., & van Wezel, A. P. (2011). Advancing environmental toxicology through chemical dosimetry: external exposures versus tissue residues. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 7(1), 7-27.
    • Van Wezel, A. P., Morinière, V., Emke, E., ter Laak, T., & Hogenboom, A. C. (2011). Quantifying summed fullerene nC60and related transformation products in water using LC LTQ Orbitrap MS and application to environmental samples. Environment International, 37(6), 1063-1067.
    • Woutersen, M., Belkin, S., Brouwer, B., Van Wezel, A. P., & Heringa, M. B. (2011). Are luminescent bacteria suitable for online detection and monitoring of toxic compounds in drinking water and its sources? Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 400(4), 915-929.


    • Schriks, M., Heringa, M. B., van der Kooij, M. M. E., de Voogt, P., & van Wezel, A. P. (2010). Toxicological relevance of emerging contaminants for drinking water quality. Water Research, 44(2), 461-476. [details]
    • Schriks, M., van Leerdam, J. A., van der Linden, S. C., van der Burg, B., van Wezel, A. P., & de Voogt, P. (2010). High-resolution mass spectrometric identification and quantification of glucocorticoid compounds in various wastewaters in the Netherlands. Environmental Science and Technology, 44(12), 4766-4774. [details]
    • Van Wezel, A., Mons, M., & Van Delft, W. (2010). New methods to monitor emerging chemicals in the drinking water production chain. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12(1), 80-89.
    • ter Laak, T. L., van der Aa, M., Houtman, C. J., Stoks, P. G., & van Wezel, A. P. (2010). Relating environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals to consumption: A mass balance approach for the river Rhine. Environment International, 36(5), 403-409.



    • van Wezel, A. P., Franken, R. O. G., Drissen, E., Versluijs, K. C. W., & van den Berg, R. (2008). Societal cost-benefit analysis for soil remediation in The Netherlands. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 4(1), 61-74.


    • van Wezel, A. P., Kruitwagen, S., & Maas, R. (2006). Policy profile: How Dutch environmental policy contributes to meet European environmental standards; Dutch environmental balance. European Environment, 16(1), 45-52.


    • Mulder, C., Van Wijnen, H. J., & Van Wezel, A. P. (2005). Numerical abundance and biodiversity of below-ground taxocenes along a pH gradient across the Netherlands. Journal of Biogeography, 32(10), 1775-1790.


    • Traas, T. P., Van Wezel, A. P., Hermens, J. L. M., Zorn, M., Van Hattum, A. G. M., & Van Leeuwen, C. J. (2004). Environmental quality criteria for organic chemicals predicted from internal effect concentrations and a food web model. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 23(10), 2518-2527.
    • van Wezel, A. P., & van Vlaardingen, P. (2004). Environmental risk limits for antifouling substances. Aquatic Toxicology, 66(4), 427-444.



    • Moermond, C. T. A., Tijink, J., Van Wezel, A. P., & Koelmans, A. A. (2001). Distribution, speciation, and bioavailability of lanthanides in the Rhine-Meuse estuary, the Netherlands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 20(9), 1916-1926.
    • Sijm, D. T. H. M., Van Wezel, A. P., & Crommentuijn, T. (2001). Environmental risk limits in the Netherlands. In Species Sensitivity Distributions in Ecotoxicology (pp. 221-253). CRC Press.


    • Roex, E. W. M., Van Gestel, C. A. M., Van Wezel, A. P., & Van Straalen, N. M. (2000). Ratios between acute aquatic toxicity and effects on population growth rates in relation to toxicant mode of action. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19(3), 685-693.
    • Van Wezel, A. P., Traas, T. P., Van Der Weiden, M. E. J., Crommentuijn, T. H., & Sijm, D. T. H. M. (2000). Environmental risk limits for polychlorinated biphenyls in the Netherlands: Derivation with probabilistic food chain modeling. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19(8), 2140-2153.
    • Van Wezel, A. P., Van Vlaardingen, P., Posthumus, R., Crommentuijn, G. H., & Sijm, D. T. H. M. (2000). Environmental risk limits for two phthalates, with special emphasis on endocrine disruptive properties. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 46(3), 305-321.


    • Ciarelli, S., Van Straalen, N. M., Klap, V. A., & Van Wezel, A. P. (1999). Effects of sediment bioturbation by the estuarine amphipod Corophium volutator on fluoranthene resuspension and transfer into the mussel (Mytilus edulis). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18(2), 318-328.
    • Sanderson, J. T., Commandeur, J. N. M., Van Wezel, A., & Vermeulen, N. P. E. (1999). Bioassays for the detection of chemicals that can form bioactivation- dependent reactive free radicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18(6), 1236-1243.


    • Van Wezel, A. P. (1998). Chemical and biological aspects of ecotoxicological risk assessment of ionizable and neutral organic compounds in fresh and marine waters: A review. Environmental Reviews, 6(2), 123-137.
    • Van Wezel, A. P., & Jonker, M. T. O. (1998). Use of the lethal body burden in the risk quantification of field sediments; Influence of temperature and salinity. Aquatic Toxicology, 42(4), 287-300.


    • De Gert-Jan Maagd, P., Van De Klundert, I. C. M., Van Wezel, A. P., Opperhuizen, A., & Sijm, D. T. H. M. (1997). Lipid content and time-to-death-dependent lethal body burdens of naphthalene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene in fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 38(3), 232-237.
    • Van Wezel, A. P., Schmitz, M. G. J., & Tielens, A. G. M. (1997). Acetylcholinesterase and ATPase activities in erythrocyte ghosts are not affected by 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene: Implications for toxicity by narcotic chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 16(11), 2347-2352.


    • Van Wezel, A. P., Cornelissen, G., van Miltenburg, J. K., & Opperhuizen, A. (1996). Membrane burdens of chlorinated benzenes lower the main phase transition temperature in dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine vesicles: Implications for toxicity by narcotic chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 15(2), 203-212.
    • Van Wezel, A. P., De Vries, D. A. M., Sijm, D. T. H. M., & Opperhuizen, A. (1996). Use of the lethal body burden in the evaluation of mixture toxicity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 35(3), 236-241.


    • Van Wezel, A. P., & Opperhuizen, A. (1995). Narcosis due to environmental pollutants in aquatic organisms: Residue-based toxicity, mechanisms, and membrane burdens. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 25(3), 255-279.
    • Van Wezel, A. P., & Opperhuizen, A. (1995). Thermodynamics of partitioning of a series of chlorobenzenes to fish storage lipids, in comparison to partitioning to phospholipids. Chemosphere, 31(7), 3605-3615.
    • Van Wezel, A. P., De Vries, D. A. M., Kostense, S., Sijm, D. T. H. M., & Opperhuizen, A. (1995). Intraspecies variation in lethal body burdens of narcotic compounds. Aquatic Toxicology, 33(3-4), 325-342.
    • Van Wezel, A. P., Punte, S. S., & Opperhuizen, A. (1995). Lethal body burdens of polar narcotics: Chlorophenols. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 14(9), 1579-1585.
    • Van Wezel, A. P., Sijm, D. T. H. M., Seinen, W., & Opperhuizen, A. (1995). Use of lethal body burdens to indicate species differences in susceptibility to narcotic toxicants. Chemosphere, 31(5), 3201-3209.


    • Rietjens, I. M. C. M., Schriks, M., Houtman, C. J., Dingemans, M. M. L., & van Wezel, A. P. (2022). Letter to the Editor on Bil et al. 2021 “Risk Assessment of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Mixtures: A Relative Potency Factor Approach”. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 41(1), 7-12. [details]


    • Helmus, R. (Author), van de Velde, B. (Developer), Brunner, A. M. (Other), ter Laak, T. L. (Author), van Wezel, A. P. (Other), & Schymanski, E. L. (Other). (2021). patRoon 2.0: Improved non-target analysis workflows including automated transformation product screening. Software, Zenodo.


    • Kooi, M., Besseling, E., Kroeze, C., van Wezel, A. P., & Koelmans, A. A. (2018). Erratum to: Modeling the Fate and Transport of Plastic Debris in Freshwaters: Review and Guidance. In Freshwater Microplastics: Emerging Environmental Contaminants? (pp. E1). (Handbook of Environmental Chemistry; Vol. 58). Springer.


    • Schriks, M., Heringa, M. B., de Voogt, P., & van Wezel, A. P. (2011). Response to Mario Schirmer, Marion Martienssen and Kristin Schirmer’s comments regarding "Toxicological relevance of emerging contaminants for drinking water quality" by Schriks et al. Water Research, 45(3), 1515-1517. [details]


    • van Wezel, A. (2019). Chemophilia/Chemophobia. (Oratiereeks; No. 613). Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]



    • Emke, E., Kolkman, A., Carboni, A., van Wezel, A. P., & de Voogt, P. (2012). Determination of functionalized engineered carbon nanoparticles in environmental samples by HPLC-UV/LTQ-ORBITRAP MS. 423. Abstract from 6th SETAC World Congress/SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May 2012.
    • Krystek, P., Spallek, M. J., Bäuerlein, P. S., Kooij, P., de Voogt, P., & van Wezel, A. (2012). Pilot study about the identification of nanoparticles in mouthwashes by asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (AF4) with selected detection. Paper presented at NanonextNL RATA.


    • Schriks, M., Heringa, M. B., van der Kooi, M. M. E., de Voogt, P., & van Wezel, A. P. (2010). Toxicological relevance of emerging contaminants for drinking water quality. Abstract from IWA Conference, Singapore, June 2010. [details]
    • Schriks, M., Heringa, M. B., van der Kooij, M. M. E., de Voogt, P., & van Wezel, A. P. (2010). Toxicological relevance of emerging contaminants for drinking water quality. Abstract from SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Seville. [details]

    Media appearance

    • van Wezel, A. (01-02-2020). Chemophilia/Chemophobia [Print] Bodem. Chemophilia/Chemophobia.

    Journal editor

    • van Wezel, A. (editor) (2019-). Frontiers in Environmental Science (Journal).
    • van Wezel, A. (editor) (2014-). Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Helmus, R. (speaker), Bagdonaite, I. (speaker), de Voogt, P. (speaker), van Bommel, M. (speaker), Schymanski, E. L. (speaker), van Wezel, A. (speaker) & ter Laak, T. (speaker) (5-5-2024). Development of an automated workflow for conducting degradation experiments and elucidating transformation products, SETAC europe 34th annual meeting, Seville.


    • Faber, A.-H. (2024). Chemical risk assessment of hydraulic fracturing in relation to water resources. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • Sadia, M. (2024). PFAS from source to tap: Analyzing PFAS in the drinking water cycle and ensuring safe consumption. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]



    • Licul-Kucera, V., Frömel, T., van Wezel, A. & Knepper, T. P. (21-7-2023). Finding a way out? Comprehensive biotransformation study of novel fluorinated surfactants. Zenodo.
    • van Dijk, J., Dekker, S., Kools, S. & van Wezel, A. (23-2-2023). Data for: "European-wide spatial analysis of sewage treatment plants and the possible benefits to nature of advanced treatment to reduce pharmaceutical emissions". Mendeley Data.


    • Narain-Ford, D., van Wezel, A., Helmus, R., Dekker, S. & Bartholomeus, R. (3-5-2022). Data for "Soil self-cleaning capacity: Removal of organic compounds during sub-surface irrigation". Mendeley Data.
    • Mohammed Taha, H., Aalizadeh, R., Alygizakis, N., Antignac, J.-P., Arp, H. H., Bade, R., Baker, N., Belova, L., Bijlsma, L., Bolton, E. E., Brack, W., Celma, A., Chen, W.-L., Cheng, T., Chirsir, P., Čirka, Ľ., D’Agostino, L. A., Djoumbou Feunang, Y., Dulio, V., … Schymanski, E. L. (2022). Additional file 3 of The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry. Springer Nature.
    • Mohammed Taha, H., Aalizadeh, R., Alygizakis, N., Antignac, J.-P., Arp, H. H., Bade, R., Baker, N., Belova, L., Bijlsma, L., Bolton, E. E., Brack, W., Celma, A., Chen, W.-L., Cheng, T., Chirsir, P., Čirka, Ľ., D’Agostino, L. A., Djoumbou Feunang, Y., Dulio, V., … Schymanski, E. L. (2022). Additional file 4 of The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry. Springer Nature.
    • Mohammed Taha, H., Aalizadeh, R., Alygizakis, N., Antignac, J.-P., Arp, H. H., Bade, R., Baker, N., Belova, L., Bijlsma, L., Bolton, E. E., Brack, W., Celma, A., Chen, W.-L., Cheng, T., Chirsir, P., Čirka, Ľ., D’Agostino, L. A., Djoumbou Feunang, Y., Dulio, V., … Schymanski, E. L. (2022). Additional file 1 of The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry. Springer Nature.
    • Mohammed Taha, H., Aalizadeh, R., Alygizakis, N., Antignac, J.-P., Arp, H. H., Bade, R., Baker, N., Belova, L., Bijlsma, L., Bolton, E. E., Brack, W., Celma, A., Chen, W.-L., Cheng, T., Chirsir, P., Čirka, Ľ., D’Agostino, L. A., Djoumbou Feunang, Y., Dulio, V., … Schymanski, E. L. (2022). The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry. Springer Nature.
    • Mohammed Taha, H., Aalizadeh, R., Alygizakis, N., Antignac, J.-P., Arp, H. H., Bade, R., Baker, N., Belova, L., Bijlsma, L., Bolton, E. E., Brack, W., Celma, A., Chen, W.-L., Cheng, T., Chirsir, P., Čirka, Ľ., D’Agostino, L. A., Djoumbou Feunang, Y., Dulio, V., … Schymanski, E. L. (2022). Additional file 5 of The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry. Springer Nature.


    • Helmus, R., van de Velde, B., Brunner, A. M., ter Laak, T., van Wezel, A. & Schymanski, E. L. (3-12-2021). patRoon 2.0: Improved non-target analysis workflows including automated transformation product screening. Zenodo.
    • Helmus, R., Schymanski, E. L., ter Laak, T., van Wezel, A. P. & de Voogt, P. (2021). Additional file 6 of patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening. Figshare.
    • Helmus, R., Schymanski, E. L., ter Laak, T., van Wezel, A. P. & de Voogt, P. (2021). Additional file 5 of patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening. Figshare.
    • Helmus, R., Schymanski, E. L., ter Laak, T., van Wezel, A. P. & de Voogt, P. (2021). Additional file 4 of patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening. Figshare.
    • Helmus, R., Schymanski, E. L., ter Laak, T., van Wezel, A. P. & de Voogt, P. (2021). Additional file 1 of patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening. Figshare.


    • van Dijk, J., Gustavsson, M., Dekker, S. C. & van Wezel, A. (1-10-2020). Data for: "Towards ‘One Substance – One Assessment’: an Analysis of EU Chemical Registration and Aquatic Risk Assessment Frameworks. Mendeley Data.
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      Editor Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
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