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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on AI & Culture: Art and Science In Conversation is an interdisciplinary seminar series focused on bringing humanities scholars and computer scientists to the table to exchange critical perspectives on the intersections between AI and culture.

Across four sessions, the series aims to identify gaps in how different disciplines conceptualise AI in culture and culture in AI. We aim to find a common language as a first step towards establishing interdisciplinary collaboration.

The speakers represent diverse sections in UvA, including history, philosophy, film and media studies, cultural studies, complex systems, multimedia analytics, and machine learning.


  • 27 February (15:00-17:00): ‘The politics of traceability in the age of deep fakes’, Houda Lamqaddam and Zeno Geradts.
  • 23 April (15:00-17:00): ‘LLMs, hermeneutics, interpretation’, Sandro Pezzelle and Michael Miller.
  • 7 May (15:00-17:00): ‘Foundation Models: Multi-modality and Political Economy’, Bernhard Rieder and Mohammad Derakhshani.
  • 21 May (16:00-18:00): ‘Creative labour vis-à-vis generative AI’, Isadora Campregher Paiva and Dimitris Tzionas.

Interested in joining one of the sessions? All upcoming events are listed on our event page.

See here for a recap of our 2023 season.