23 March 2021
Advancing more inclusive and sustainable growth is what drives top-executive Gabriela Ramos in her career; currently in her position as Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO, until 2020 in her position as Chief of Staff and Sherpa to the G20 at the OECD.
In this interview, Gabriela Ramos states that the COVID-pandemic is a wake-up call for the world. There is an urgency to get out of the crisis with better solutions. She shares her vision on how a multidimensional, interdisciplinary, complex systems approach can help policymakers to build more resilient systems and achieve inclusive growth. Ramos calls for a close collaboration between researchers and policymakers to create new analytical methods that depict the world in a more accurate way, in order to jointly develop better (informed) policy interventions.
The ideas presented by Gabriela Ramos resonate very well with the objectives of the IAS, and we are committed to nurture this discussion on complexity and policy together with public stakeholders and our scientific partners.
The interview was conducted by Rob van Hattum, Director and Presenter of Science programmes at VPRO Public Broadcasting and Chief Science Officer at NEMO Science Museum.