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Segregation remains a persistent and multifaceted social challenge, shaped by the interplay of the dynamics of choices at the micro-level (e.g., parental, household), the meso-level (school and neighbourhood compositions), and macro-level contextual factors (e.g., segregation, policies). Understanding and addressing this issue requires tools that can capture its dynamic complexity. This workshop, connected to Eric Dignum’s Ph.D. defence, focuses on the use of computational models to explore segregation dynamics and the (potential) effects of policy measures.
Event details of Modelling the complexity of policy
20 March 2025
12:30 -17:00

We will touch upon general dynamics of school segregation that operate similarly in different educational systems and why we think there is a need for a social complexity approach, but also highlight some specific dynamics of the Dutch context. Computational approaches for measuring and monitoring segregation will be discussed as well as examples of stylised computational modelling that illustrate core dynamics and policy implications for segregation. Moreover, to create more validated and empirically realistic computational models, we provide methodologies to incorporate empirical data in agent-based models and discuss their strengths and limitations.

Through this workshop we show that computational models, using a complexity perspective, can complement the current scientific understanding by providing new generative (or enrich existing) explanations of the mechanisms underlying (school) segregation and provide a pathway towards policies that can help achieving more robust levels of school integration. The following will be the topics discussed during the session: 

  • Measuring Segregation
  • Models for Policy
  • Dealing with Microdata (SBI)


12:30 Welcome, Introduction to COMPASS

Willem (Impact and meaning of segregation - state of affairs, why we need a new paradigm, dutch system special case)


Fika (Measurement & dashboard)

14:30 Break

Andreas (Stylised models of segregation)

16:00 Eric (Towards empirical ABM for policy in school segregation)


This is an invitation-only event.