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In this edition of the DIEP seminar series, Jordi Pinero, a postdoc fellow at Richard Sole's Complex Systems Lab, will introduce a plausible model based on synthetic molecular replicators, demonstrating intrinsic memory processing within cyclic environments.
Event details of Information bounds production in replicator systems
31 October 2024
11:00 -12:00


Information bounds production in replicator systems


We investigate the relationship between information and production in flow reactors containing self-replicating molecules under environmental fluctuations. By analyzing productivity patterns, we reveal how information costs –analogous to learning and prediction accuracy– impact the system’s efficiency in production. We connect these findings to information-theoretic concepts such as side-information and Kelly betting.

We introduce a plausible model based on synthetic molecular replicators, demonstrating intrinsic memory processing within cyclic environments. Our framework yields empirically accessible observables, enabling experimental measurement of information flows in chemical systems. Our results suggest that information and memory play a fundamental role in guiding the evolution of self-replicating systems.

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