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There is a broad consensus that investment of significant amounts of capital is necessary to finance efforts toward biodiversity conservation and restoration. The recently published UNEP report on the State of Finance for Nature estimates the necessary investments until 2030 to amount to 484 Billion USD. This increase in climate finance comes with the ever growing demand for mechanisms of measurement, verification and reporting (MRV). Yet, these mechanisms often fall short of properly expressing the complexity of ecosystems. Some initiatives, such as Sovereign Nature and Interspecies Money are trying to develop new modes of enabling the alliance between finance and ecological work on the ground.
Event details of Treasuries for Planetary Survival
Start date
7 November 2023
End date
8 November 2023
Sweelinck Room

With the notion of permacrisis infrastructures, we seek to explore the struggles, power plays, and politics of defining, recognizing, and speaking in the name of crisis, and their impact on action in terms of infrastructure and the additional challenges they pose.

In this workshop we weave together the expertise of leading researchers, artists, activists and entrepreneurs working at the intersection of ecology, technology, finance and art. Together we ask: How can we imagine treasuries for planetary survival? How can agency be mediated to reach beyond solely human agency? What financial instruments can be reshaped and subverted to make big money move to projects of biodiversity conservation and restoration? What are the ethical implications of interspecies treasuries? How can we safeguard qualitative, aesthetic and relational values? And what role do emerging technologies play in shaping the imagination of ecological futures?

This is an invitational event.

Programme (Nov. 7th)

17:00  Drinks and Dinner for Breaking the Ice

Programme (Nov. 8th)

9:30 Introduction(s)
10:00 Discussion on Eco-data fabrics
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Discussion on Measure to measure
17:00 Snacks and Drinks