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In the third seminar of the series "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on AI & Culture: Art and Science In Conversation", Dieuwertje Luitse (PhD Candidate, ASCA) and Fernando P. Santos (Assistant Professor, Informatics Institute) will be discussing the concepts of bias and metrics in their respective fields trying to identify shared problems and a common language.
Event details of Bias and Metrics (hybrid)
18 April 2023
15:00 -17:00
Organised by
Pei-Sze Chow
Claudio Celis Bueno

Register via the link below. Registration is on a first come, first served basis. 

Issues surrounding fairness and equality are increasingly becoming commonplace within discussion on AI. In this third session, Dieuwertje Luitse and Fernando P. Santos will reflect on biases associated with algorithms and artificial intelligence. They will bring examples of algorithmic biases and their societal implications, and present metrics commonly used to quantify such biases. Furthermore, they will discuss on-going questions related to biases in AI: which decision-making processes influence what metrics to use? What type of interventions aim at recovering fairness in AI?

About the speakers

Dieuwertje Luitse is a PhD candidate on Data Bodies at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis and is based at the University of Amsterdam’s department of Media Studies as well as the department of Biomedical Engineering and Physics at the Amsterdam UMC. Her project, which is part of the UvA’s interdisciplinary Research Priority Area for Health Decision-Making, looks into the ethics, power and politics of datasets, Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems and infrastructures in Medicine. Dieuwertje is a graduate of the Research Master’s in media studies (New Media & Digital Culture) at the UvA, and has a professional background in graphic design and media arts. Her research interests mainly focus on the study of platforms and the (historical) development of AI systems in relation to their socio-economic and political implications.

Fernando P. Santos is Assistant Professor at the Socially Intelligent Artificial Systems group of the University of Amsterdam and Science Lab Manager of the Civic AI Lab. His research lies at the interface of AI and Complex Systems: he is interested in understanding behavioral dynamics in multiagent systems composed of adaptive learning agents and in designing fair/pro-social AI.


Sweelinck Room
Institute for Advanced Study
Oude Turfmarkt 147
1012 GC Amsterdam

About Interdisciplinary Perspectives on AI & Culture: Art and Science In Conversation

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on AI & Culture: Art and Science In Conversation is an interdisciplinary seminar series focused on bringing humanities scholars and computer scientists to the table to exchange critical perspectives on the intersections between AI and culture. 

Across four sessions, the series aims to identify gaps in how different disciplines conceptualise AI in culture and culture in AI. We aim to find a common language as a first step towards establishing interdisciplinary collaboration.

The speakers represent diverse sections in UvA, including history, philosophy, film and media studies, cultural studies, complex systems, multimedia analytics, and machine learning.

The sessions will cover the following topics:

  • Session 1: ‘Iconic images’ (February 21), Nanne Van Noord and Claudio Celis Bueno.
  • Session 2: ‘Prediction and causality’ (March 28), Melvin Wevers and Sara Magliacane.
  • Session 3: ‘Bias and metrics’ (April 18), Dieuwertje Luitse and Fernando P. Santos.
  • Session 4: ‘Creativity and AI in Cinema’ (May 23), Pei-Sze Chow and Carlo Bretti.

The seminar series will culminate in a roundtable discussion in June 2023 where we will ‘hack’ current imaginations/misconceptions, as well as methodologies of researching and applying AI in cultural contexts.