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In the first session of SciSis Meet, Dr. Micaela Parker will visit the Science Sisters at IAS for an interactive session and opportunity to ask Dr. Parker questions.
Event details of SciSis Meet Dr. Micaela Parker (on-site)
22 March 2023
11:00 -13:30

About Dr. Micaela Parker

Dr. Micaela Parker is based in the United States, and is the Founder and Executive Director of the Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA). Prior to this, Parker was a research scientist for over 10 years in the University of Washington's School of Oceanography where she managed the Center for Human Health and Ocean Studies.


11:00 SciSic Meet Dr. Micaela Parker
12:00 Networking lunch
13:30 End

The SciSiS Meet session will be moderated by Lidwien Poorthuis, Managing Director of the LNVH (Dutch Network of Women Professors).


Institute for Advanced Study
Oude Turfmarkt 147
1012GC Amsterdam