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My research

I am the Co-Director of the AI and Cultural Production research group at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, where I have been researching the emergent use of AI tools in film industry and the potential impacts on creative labour and discourses of cultural diversity. More generally, I am a film studies researcher interested in film policy and media production contexts, particularly in the context of small nations (e.g. Singapore, Denmark). Key themes in my work are the relations of power, representation, risk, and transnationalism. I also have a deep interest in spatial, media-geographic approaches to film and media research, focusing on representations of cities and peripheries, urban space and architecture, and their intersections with power and politics.

IAS Fellowship

How are AI-powered tools being used in the film industry and how would a growing shift towards algorithmically assisted filmmaking impact the creative, economic, technical, and aesthetic aspects of film production? This project, titled 'Automating Cinema: Technographic Explorations of Artificial Intelligence in Film Culture', will be the focus of my collaborative project with Dr Claudio Celis Bueno. We will be conducting a 'technography' (ethnography of technology) of film practitioners across Europe who are actively engaging with AI in various aspects of the production process, exploring with them the possibilities and limitations of AI-assisted creative work and (re)thinking how creativity and artistic labour is understood in our algorithmic age.