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My research

My research focuses on improving the long-term outcome for burns patients through fundamental and clinical research. Among other things, we investigate the role of computational modelling for a better understanding of scarring. It has become clear that burn disease must be seen as a complex problem that requires the perspective of complexity sciences.

IAS fellowship (July 2019 - June 2020) 

Despite all developments in burn care, patients still experience many physical, psychological and social problems in the long term. Understanding the interplay between these different long term effects we need novel methods and concepts.

During this fellowship, the processes that take place after a burn wound will be further studied using an integration of system dynamics and immune system models. This approach will hopefully provide new insights to improve the outcome of burn treatment.

Current involvement with IAS

Paul van Zuijlen is currently as an external researcher still affiliated to the IAS as part of the team working on Modelling and modulation of the inflammatory response in severe burns.