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Empirical Ethics is a research line that continues the so-called empirical turn in epistemology, the humanities & beyond by connecting insights gained through qualitative and quantitative methods with value considerations. The analytical focus thereby shifts from principles to understanding what different actors and stakeholders consider as desirable and undesirable practices, whether at the individual, societal, or institutional level.

Empirical Ethics thus enacts a turn toward the horizontal perspective, coined in terms of ethics in practice, situated ethics, ethics from within, as well as ethical interventions.

While there are several approaches to empirical ethics, the horizontal variation is inspired by different lines of tradition within Philosophy and Anthropology, like Science and Technology Studies (STS), Care Ethics, Postphenomenology, or Praxeology.

Workshop Series

In the academic years 2024/2025 & 2025/26 Emperical Ethics will launch a workshop series.

Research Lead

Dr. S. (Selin) Gerlek

Scientific Coordinator (Contact Person)

Dr. P.M. (Paula) Helm

Scientific Coordinator (Contact Person)

Research Group Members

Prof. dr. P.J. (Peter) van Baalen

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Business Analytics

Prof. T. (Tobias) Blanke

Executive Staff

Prof. dr. H.O. (Huub) Dijstelbloem

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Philosophical Tradition in Context